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Arrowhead Plants

Q.arrowhead plant

Zone illinois | dlohrbach@yahoo.com added on April 20, 2012 | Answered

We have an arrowhead plant at work. It seemed to be doing ok until Christmas when the plant was moved. Since then, the plant had some other plants put in the pot with it (the same just a different color). The original plant seemed to have a growth spurt after that, but in March the plants have all started turning brown (like it is burned) and the plants that were added to the original have died altogether. This plant container sits on the floor by a desk. There is a computer box under the desk.   Could this have anything to do with the plant dying? We have moved it nearer the window but I am afraid that it will get too dry as the window faces west and the afternoon is quite hot coming thru them. Plant is watered once a week–not overwatered.

Any help would be great—we would like to save our plant.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 22, 2012

It does sound like the plant has had too little water. The growth spurt was its way of trying to reach out to find more sun. I would place it in the window. Make sure that you are checking the top of the soil regularly and watering when it is dry to the touch. As long as the plant stays watered, it should be fine but it needs more light or it will die.

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