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Lantana Plants

Q.Are Yellow & Dallas Red Topiary Lantana Considered Perennials In Northern VA., How Tall Do They Get? & How Fast Do They Grow?

Zone 20155 | peterjehle added on January 20, 2020 | Answered

I like to plant them in a pot out at my patio. I can bring them inside if necessary.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 21, 2020

Unfortunately, you are too far outside of their native range for them to survive the winter outdoors.

Fortunately, they can be wintered indoors! They will go dormant when it starts to get too cold for them. Once they do, they will need to be brought in and watered with only a spoonful of water per week, or ever few days. Just enough to give it something to keep it from drying out completely.

Once it warms back up, you will be able to put it back out, cut dead growth back, and let it continue on, though many prefer to cut the growth before bringing it in for winter.

These article will give you information on their care and habit: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/lantana/lantana-plants.htm





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