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Q.Are there any rose bushes that can be grown in containers?

Zone Tampa, FL 33604 | dionaea14 added on October 23, 2019 | Answered

We live in Florida in Zone 9. Rose bushes we have bought and planted in the ground are fragile looking and not thriving. Since we hope to move within the next year, we would like to grow some roses in large (approximately 5 gal. containers). Also, we had been told to try to find roses that had been grafted to a certain root system…cannot remember what the root system was and we wanted to know what to look for.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 24, 2019

The root stock for grafting you are looking for is likely called Fortuniana. It works well for rosebushes in your area. I would look for Floribunda roses and check their growth habits. You will want the growth habit to be more bushy and medium height rather than tall and spreading I would think. You could also get some own root miniature rose bushes for the containers, they can be very eye-catching. Also contact the folks at this website: https://tamparosesociety.com/ They can give you some great local help on roses they have found to do well.

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