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Q.Are There Any Plants That Attract Spiders?

Zone 15139 | JUDY.KANE2010 added on October 17, 2020 | Answered

The picture this identifier printed said this plant attracted spiders. But, I cannot find any other source that supports that information.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 19, 2020

Spiders are attracted to plants that attract their meal tickets. For example, nectar and pollen producing plants will bring all sorts of insects to them, and spiders will follow. I always plants lots of annual and perennial nectar plants for pollinators, and spiders are always along for the ride. They also like shrubs where they can easily construct their webs. Or several plants or shrubs together that make ideal webbing structures. I see little webs and their mummies in my viburnum shrub, burning bush, and an orb weaver constructed a web from my deck planter to my backyard door this past summer. I had to avoid hitting it when I came out the door. My deck planter was filled with nectar plants, i.e., periwinkle, pentas, salvia, and million bells. Leaving outside lights on at night will attract insects and therefore spiders.
They also like moisture, mulch, hay, rock piles, and any debris pile that will serve as an overwintering site. I can attest to the mulch because whenever I am planting something in a garden filled with mulch, I see spiders scurry out of my way.

This article's topic is eliminating spiders, but it also indicates where they like to congregate.




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