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Hosta Plant

Q.Are the Blooms and Subsequent Pods to Be Removed

jtderr added on July 4, 2013 | Answered

We live in a very shady area – have many hostas that do well. I need to know if I should remove the blooms when finished – or wait until they turn to pods – or leave them alone.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 4, 2013

Some say either, personally, if I have time, I remove them. I think it makes the plant look more pleasing.
If you have a variety that makes viable seed, and are trying to achieve a thick ground cover of Hosta, leave the scapes and seed pods alone. Four clumps of Hosta ventricosa have seeded enough to populate over 10 acres in 35 years. Some of the seed dispersal was by children playing 'sword' with mature scapes, Wind and wildlife took care of the rest.

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