Q.Are The Birds Perching On My Fence Close To My Hummingbird Feeders Scaring Away The Hummingbirds?
Good morning, I was wondering, I have some birds perching on my fence close to my Hummingbird feeders. I thought about using some bird repellent gel on top of the fence. The gel would make the top of the fence sticky which would keep the other birds away. Would the hummingbirds land on it as well or just go to the feeders? The feeders are on plant hooks attached to the fence. I have Robins, Mockingbirds, Cardinals and Sparrows but have only seen Robins, Mockingbirds, Cardinals perch/land on top of the fence. I’m not sure if the other birds are keeping the hummingbirds away. I’ve only seen one Hummingbird stop by on May 5th & 7th. I haven’t seen anymore after that. I also have flowers that they like. I also have another Hummingbird feeder out in the yard away from the fence. I live in Montgomery, AL Thanks, Have a nice day.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I wouldn't think so, because the birds are not sitting on the fence all day. And you do have a feeder further away. It's sometimes hard to catch the hummers in the yard. I have lots of their favorite flowers and feeders, too, and I hardly see them. When they nest, they disappear for awhile, too.
You could move the feeders further down on the fence or purchase a shepherd's hook to hold the feeder.