Q.Are soursop leaves safe to eat fresh ?
I know this should be a garden question but I’m growing one soursop tree that is 3 year old and one Cherimoya tree that’s also 3 year old and I love the smell when I crush the leaves from the soursop tree and I was just curious if it’s safe to eat or use my vitamix blender to make soursop leave juice ?
I just cain’t seem to find an answer to my question.
Can anyone help me on my curiosity ?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
A Google search reveals some common uses for Soursop leaves, including making tea from them. They can be considered safe in small amounts, and if not used for extended periods.
Here are two collegiate sources that will help: https://www.utep.edu/herbal-safety/herbal-facts/herbal%20facts%20sheet/soursop.html