Q.Are My Shasta Daisy’s, Bee Balm, Black-eyed Susan’s And Coneflowers Supposed To Be Growing By Now?
I planted all of those plants in my garden last June and my husband cut them down to the ground at the end of the season. They have not started growing (coming out of the ground) yet. Do I need to get new plants or be patient? Thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, they should at least have new foliage growing. You are in zone 6 and they are all hardy. It's odd that none of them came back. You might want to have your soil tested.
After their first flush of bloom in summer, you can shear them to promote a second bloom. It is best to wait till after the first frost to cut plants completely back. You can leave them to provide seeds for birds in winter, too.