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Hosta Plant

Q.Are hostas poisonous to cats and dog s?

Zone 98258 | Caren J Preheim added on May 20, 2019 | Answered

My cat likes to chew on grass and plants. Should I allow her to with a hosta plant

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 20, 2019

These are highly toxic to cats. Please do not allow you cat to chew on houseplants, as many that are harmless to us are deadly to cats.

Cats are carnivorous, and will chew on plants if their nutrient requirements are not met, and out of boredom.

If your cat is doing this, you may look to changing foods, and finding out what nutrient the cat is lacking, as this is a dangerous thing with many houseplants.

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Answered on May 20, 2019

Hostas contain saponin which can cause mild to severe stomach and intestinal distress, depending on how much is consumed. It is always wise to check with your vet. There are also online pet websites that list the most toxic plants. Hostas are not on the top 10 list of most toxic plants to cats.

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