Q.Are having maggots in a compost pile bad?
I found that my compost pile has maggots in it and I heard that it’s bad to have maggots in a compost pile. Is that true?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
These are likely grub worms, but at any rate even maggots are actually good for the compost pile, helping to break things down and aerate it. Generally, they will go away on their own, so don't use any chemicals within the compost in an effort to remove them. Once put in the garden, birds will most likely feast on any that are left and you could also hand pick the ones you see and drop them in a bucket of soapy water. If you happen to have chickens, they enjoy snacking on them too.
grub worms = fish bait! Know someone that fishes? let'm know you have a source for grubs!