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Container Gardening

Q.Are growbags alright to use on a window sill?

Anonymous added on December 24, 2019 | Answered

Just starting out some indoor gardening in a small apartment, and only have window sill space pretty much. I was reading about pots/containers to use and I found out about grow bags. They seem to be better in almost every way, so I was wondering if they are OK to use on a window sill or if there’s anything wrong with using them instead of a pot, or like pros and cons of both. I could also use some general advice too if you have any about container gardening indoors too! Thank you very much.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 24, 2019

Grow bags may be okay on a window sill as long as they have drainage and you place a saucer to catch excess water.


Here are articles on indoor container gardening, and there is a lot more, including YouTube videos, if you search the Internet with that term: "indoor container gardening."


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