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Q.Are Dogwood Borers Present In Norther California?

Zone East Bay Area, California | Stan added on June 8, 2020 | Answered

I pruned our Dogwood yesterday. I followed up and did some further reading last night, only to see warnings of pruning in Summer months because of Dogwood Borers. Most accounts seemed to be on the East Coast? Now that I have already pruned, what can I do next to best protect the tree? I’ve read about Peremthrin treatments, but is that okay right after pruning the tree? Ive also had a tough time finding the right products> For context I live in the East Bay Area, California. Mostly small branches were removed, but 2 medium sized were removed with hand saw as they were growing inwards & rubbing. Per a recommendation these were covered with Wound Paint for protection for the time being – to be removed when Borers go away. Also, there is a Cherry tree nearby that has had some Borers in the past, not sure how relevant that is and if that same species would go after the Dogwood. Any help/advice on what to do next would be greatly appreciated!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 10, 2020

Borers are present, almost, worldwide. The West Coast is no exception!

Usually, adding stress on top of serious borer damage will be a death sentence to even the hardier of trees. You may be looking to replace it.

Here are some articles to help you in the future:





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