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Apricot Trees

Q.Apricot Trees

Anonymous added on May 28, 2015 | Answered

My dad lives in Glendale, Arizona and has two Apricot trees. He has had them for about 10 years now. One tree isn’t exactly a tree but is more like a bush. This particular tree has never produced any fruit. It does flower every year but again has never produced any fruit. The other tree looks more like a tree and flowers every year. It does produce fruit but it has only produced a couple of apricots at a time. This year we have seen more fruit than ever with a whopping 6 apricots being produced. We are not seeing any more on the tree but we have been surprised and found another.

As spring approached, we did fertilize really well and I think that was the biggest factor in our production this year. My question is, how can we get both to produce? I was also wondering if these trees come as male and female. I do remember my dad saying when he bought them that he bought one male and one female. Should we get another tree or two in hopes of a bigger crop?

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