Q.Apricot tree has brown leaves
Newly planted 7 foot tree (April) bore dozens of fruit that was picked June 1st. Tasted great. This week the leaves (80%) have turned brown and easily fall off their branches. I have the tree on an automatic watering system (10 minute light watering, almost a drip, at 5 am each day). The tree is protected from wind in an area with medium to strong sun (Las Vegas, NV) during the day. Is the tree getting too much or not enough water?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would suspect that it is too little. You are better off giving it a good deep drink every other day that a light drink everyday. The water will penetrate deeper and will encourage deeper roots and less evaporation.
As a precaution, I would also treat the tree with a pesticide and a fungicide as these issues can also be caused by pests and fungus.