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Q.cantaloupe not ripe

Zone SE Washington state | marie@mltweb.com added on August 22, 2015 | Answered

Should I trim excess plant off? We have had an early hot summer. Squash and cantaloupe plants late to set. Have large plants, but fruit still small and unripe.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 23, 2015

Cantaloupe can take 35 to 35 days to ripen from flower to fruit.
Weather and temperatures can effect this greatly , as well as the variety you are growing.

You can trim away any new blossoms so the energy goes to the larger fruit. Do not remove more than a third of the plants vines if you do so.

Continue to monitor moisture and make sure the plants are watered regularly.
Zucchini can be harvested and eaten in smaller sized fruit.


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