I am having an awful problem with ants. They don’t seem to die with all of the powder and pellets I put on them. They just move somewhere else. It seems to be where it is a little moist even though it’s not hot here anymore (TX). But they are also in my greenhouse where some tomato plants are and squash. What can I use to kill them without harming the roots of my veggies? They have been a real bad problem all summer also. They even got into the thick stem of my squash and killed them.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If you haven't read it, this article may help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/insects/keeping-ants-off-flowers.htm
Also, you may want to check your other plants for pests, such as aphids. They can leave behind a sticky residue, called honeydew, which ants are attracted to. Taking care of the pests responsible will normally take care of the ants. Oftentimes, neem oil will help treat ant pest problems and is perfectly safe for use on vegetable plants. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htm
Set traps everywhere, introduce jumping spiders into your area, they are harmless little spiders that eat little insects like ants, aphids, and termites, when they get bigger they will eat flys, crickets, aphids, other spiders, basically anything smaller then themselves they will eat. Place poisoned ant food near their holes. soak some sugar in poison, call pest control. there are alot of answers that may work. i think maybe 50-100 jumping spiders may help. they dont hve to be jumping spiders, they can be any predatory insect that wont hurt you. ants love sugar, so maybe if you mix sugar with ant posion it will help. they like any food it seems, just mix it with some poison and it should help
hope this helps