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Anthurium Plants


Zone England. Indoor rplant | Steeple added on August 14, 2017 | Answered

Mine, about 3 yrs old is now half a metre high and has more or less given up ‘flowering.’ Can I cut it down to ground level in the autumn?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 16, 2017

Pruning an anthurium is best done after the plant has stopped blooming for the year. It's important not to prune off too many leaves, as this will kill the plant.
Examine the anthurium for any yellow or brown leaves. Pull these off using your hands since they will usually detach easily. If the dead leaves do not detach easily, cut them near the base of the plant with hand pruners.
Remove wilted flowers by cutting the entire stalk off with hand pruners near the base of the plant. The anthurium will not re-bloom on the same stalk, so removing it redirects the plant's energy into developing new stalks.
Stand back. look at the anthurium and locate any leaves that are outside the natural shape of the plant. These will be easily identifiable because they grow too long or at an awkward angle. Prune off these leaves until the plant looks uniform.


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