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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Ant Insecticide in Soil

Anonymous added on June 1, 2011 | Answered

Because of a pavement ant nest, the little brown/red ones, I sprayed ant insecticide into the soil of a small garden where we plant vegetables. I did not saturate the soil, using just a small amount of the spray can. Is it ok to now use this soil to plant vegetables?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 2, 2011

This really depends on the type of chemical pest control used. Some types remain in the soil longer than others. Residual types usually evaporate after so long, making them safer. Read the directions and warnings on the label of any chemical product you buy. The manufacturer should provide detailed instructions on how to apply and when it will be safe to grow plants in that area again. If you cannot find any answers, put off gardening in that area for at least a year and try another location. You could also consider growing veggies in containers instead.

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