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Coleus Plants

Q.Annuals being destroyed

Zone Mississauga, Ontario, zone 6 | Hania added on June 19, 2016 | Answered

I have planted coleus in a shady area. The leaves are being snacked on from the edges in. The leaves have holes at first, then continue to be destroyed. Any idea what it is and how to stop it? This hasn’t happened just to the coleus this year. It is whatever I try to plant in that area. Most ornamental annuals. The perennials seem to be unaffected. Please see picture.
Thank you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 20, 2016

There is a list of pest that could be dining on your plants, including Mealybug, Whitefly, Aphids, Slugs, Spider Mites and more.

Slugs come in the night and are rarely seen.

Neem Oil will take care of most other pests.


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