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Chili Pepper Plants

Q.anaheim chili plant

Anonymous added on August 17, 2015 | Answered

I’m in Denver, CO and have several chili pepper plants. They started out great and put on lots of fruit on the bottom large leaf areas and then the top of the plants started growing in a huge tight top with very small curly leaves and no blossoms. Now I have big plants with big curly tops and nothing else. All of them are doing this. One plant only had 8 big chilies before the curly top took over. One green pepper plant has thick stems like a pumpkin and then tiny peppers on the end. They are in big, well-drained containers with top-of-the-line gardening soil. I water once a day, usually in the evening, and they are in direct sun no less than 5 hours a day and sometimes more depending on clouds.

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Answered on August 18, 2015
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