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Eucalyptus Tree

Q.An American Tree

Zone England | PEACH added on September 19, 2011 | Answered

I live in England, and while visiting my daughter in California this last July, I was taken with the beauty of the plants and trees. One tree in particular I liked very much and I would like to know what it is called. There was an avenue of these trees outside the Great Mall. It was a pretty blue colour, and the seed pods laying on the ground were large and round shape, and woody. It looked a bit like a Tetley teabag and when I broke it open using a hammer, it had lots of flyaway black seeds inside in two rows. If anyone knows what I’m talking about, please tell me what it is and if I can buy it in England. Also, can I buy bougainvillea plants here in England? Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 23, 2011

I am not 100% sure, but it may have been a type of eucalyptus that you saw near the mall. Eucalyptus are quite popular in California and their seedpods do look like you describe.

Eucalyptus generally need a warmer climate to grow in, but there a a few that may survive where you are.

You should be able to find a bougainvillea in England. I think your best bet would be to look for an online retailer for it and order one that way. Again though, they are warm climate plants and need to live in areas that do not see much cold. But, you can keep them in containers and bring them in for the winter.

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