Q.american cranberry
I am in search of a cultivated variety of this plant that I enjoyed as a kid. (American Cranberry or Highbush Cranberry) They grew wild in AK where I grew up, and all my research leads to only being hardy to zone 7 (heat wise) and I currently reside in zone 8! UGH!! Please help me find a grower/cultivator of this plant that will help me get it growing in my NC home/yard. http://www.fast-growing-trees.com/AmericanCranberry.htm has the best photo example. I have none as I am still desperately searching for this favorite taste of home.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Most sources do list the plant as being suited for zones 2-7, but some gardeners have reported growing it in zone 8. I am not sure whether the lack of its preferred winter conditions would shorten the plant's lifespan or diminish its fruit production.
It looks like the plant can be ordered online through the link you gave and other sources. Make sure you get the American variety specifically, because there is a European variety that supposedly has bad-tasting fruit. I am not sure whether the plant would be sold at NC nurseries but you could contact a local nursery or landscaper and ask whether they'd be willing to help you plant it after you order online.