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Chestnut Trees

Q.American Chestnuts seed

Zone Maine,04974 | Dodgedaddie added on October 14, 2017 | Answered

Hello every one
A friend gave me a American Chestnuts pod, I’m waiting for it to split and give up the seed.
I’m Up Here in Maine so to cold out to try and start it out side.
Could any one tell me the best way to try and get it to sprout ??


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 14, 2017

You will want to germinate them after the soil has warmed enough to work it. Alternatively, if you want to start them indoors, then you may do so. This can be done with Supplemental lighting to give it a head start. Just use a good quality all-purpose potting mix. Here is an article with several more bits of information that will help: http://ecosystems.psu.edu/research/chestnut/breeding/planting/planting-manual.pdf

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Answered on October 14, 2017

Sorry to just give you a link but the American Chestnut foundation has all the info:

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