Q.Amaryllis Plant regrowing green shoots without dormant period
I was surprised to see new leaves sprouting out from my amaryllis bulb as it had not had a “planned” dormant period. Two leaves are now 6 inches and two others are 2 and 3 inches. I do not see a stalk. I was waiting to bring the bulb in from outdoors to put in a dark place when I noticed these shoots about 1 inch. They have grown this quickly in a matter of 5 days. What should I do now? Cut the green leaves and let it hibernate? or just let it grow and accept that there will probably be no flowers this time around? After blooming in January – February, the leaves remained on the bulb until the end of April when they started to turn yellow and fall off by mid May. I took the bulb outdoors in the same pot and placed it in a place that got morning sunlight to about 1 pm. Unable to upload pictures (don’t know why either).

You can move them back to a dark location, and drop the temperature to cool them down, and this will force them back into dormancy. This article will help you further: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/bgen/how-to-store-bulbs-that-have-sprouted.htm