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Amaryllis Plants

Q.Amaryllis Bloomed In Sept Without Going Through Dormancy

Zone 54848 | Anonymous added on October 1, 2024 | Answered

I brought my amaryllis in and out it in a dark room to force dormancy. Checked on it a week later and it had a two foot flower stalk. So brought it back out and it had four beautiful flowers. Question is. What do I do with it after flowers have dried up. No one seems to know the answer.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 3, 2024

Amaryllis don't have to go through dormancy to bloom more than once a year. We force blooming to get it at holiday time. Follow these instructions and you may get another bloom this winter.

After the flowers fade, remove the flower stalk but not the foliage. Fertilize and water just like you would if it were outdoors for the summer but keep it inside in its container near a sunny window or use grow lights. Continue till the foliage dies back naturally. Then put your pot in a cool (50 degrees F), dark location for 8 to 10 weeks to rest. Do not water.

If during that time new growth starts, bring it back into the warmth and light and resume watering. If new growth has not started after 12 weeks, go ahead and bring it out and resume watering.

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