Received an Amaryllis bulb this past Christmas, and followed the instructions on the box. However, it never bloomed and still hasn’t. Can you tell me what I might be doing wrong? Not long ago I gave it a little fertilizer, but that didn’t seem to help. The box it came in said to plant it outdoors in May. Can I plant it in a bigger container, rather then in the ground, so I can bring it in when the weather gets to be under 55 degrees this winter? The box instructions are pretty vague. Also, all that I have on this plant is leaves.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You did nothing wrong. Amaryllis bulbs are typically shipped with a bud or two ready to grow so that you get a bloom almost immediately. But sometimes the grower mistakenly packs a bulb that is not budding or the bud simply gets damaged in shipping and does not grow. Perhaps these articles will be helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/amaryllis-hippeastrum/amaryllis-care-instructions-how-to-care-for-an-amaryllis.htm, https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/amaryllis-hippeastrum/amaryllis-bloom-again.htm