Q.Alpaca pastures
What are the best grass seeds for Alpaca pastures and the best time to start seeding? What is the best method to seed, for instance I already have pasture, but need to cover the bare spots. I have been using a combination of Brome, two type of Fescue, and Orchard Grass.
I have been told to first use Gypsum, spread seed, then use top soil to keep the birds and rabbits away from eating seed.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You almost have everything that they would eat, except Bermuda grass. That would be fast spreading if you are in a warmer climate.
Usually, the best time to seed is in early spring, but in the case of Bermuda, it would be better to start late spring, or early summer.
Here is an article that you will find useful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/lawn-seeding-tips.htm