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Aloe Vera Plants

Q.Aloe split aftercare

Zone N2G 4X5 | Terri added on March 7, 2017 | Answered

I adopted an aloe vera plant that’s roughly 5 years old. It was actually two plants in one. The mother I’m assuming was the larger one… when I took them out of the initial pot, the baby was easily removed. It’s been almost 3 weeks. Mom looks great! But the baby doesn’t. The condition of the baby was limp and flat to begin with. I removed unhealthy leaves from both mom and baby. The roots looked fine. The leaves at the top of baby are limp and falling over. I live in Canada so it’s rainy and Grey at the moment. Plus, the plants were confined in a basement for the past 6 months. I’m wondering what more I can do? Should I attempt to plant baby in a different pot? Move it? Check roots? I’m lost. I’m assuming it’s still stressed.. so should I wait

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 8, 2017

There are a few specifics when it comes to propagating and transplanting the pups from the Aloe Vera.
This article will help you.

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