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Alocasia Plants

Q.Alocasia Tiny Dancer

Zone Charlotte, NC 28273 | d7moore added on August 26, 2022 | Answered

I bought one of these plants (4-5 inch) pot and the leaves began to turn yellow and die. My method to identifying WHEN to water is with a meter for plants. This is when I knew it was good to water. I have lost leaves but 2 new ones are in its place. However, the color of the new leaves are green with a slight yellow in it; I feel I am going to lose them, too. It is in front a window that only provides indirect bright light. What is my issue? I love this plant!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 29, 2022

Likely, it is lacking in light, from your description. If you cannot provide more in a natural way, then it will be necessary to supplement with a horticultural grade light fixture. 100 watts will be plenty.

Here are some articles to help you with the care of your Alocasia:


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