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Q.Aggressive Sunchokes

Zone Norfolk. UK | Anonymous added on July 2, 2023 | Answered

I have a beautiful old and established garden, unfortunately the previous owner planted some Jerusalem artichokes in the beds which have now spread to all areas of both beds. I tried pulling them out when young shoots and cutting them back but they are prolific. Hardly anything can compete and soil feels right and difficult to dig into due to their roots and tubers. All advice I see to eradicate would mean loosing all my beds and starting again. Possibly for the next 2 years. And apparently this is not fail safe unless all traces are removed completely. Is there another way? Even if it means keeping on top of it? Is there a way to kill them without loosing all the cottage garden plants I already have? I\’m not sure I would be successful in digging up all the tubers. They are in everything. Thanks!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 3, 2023

This article should help. If you have to resort to spraying, you can protect your other plants with a barrier such as cardboard.


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