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Banana Plant

Q.After transplanting my Banana Trees they look like they are dying; help?

Zone Seymour, Tennessee | glorog99 added on June 5, 2019 | Answered

I grew my Banana Trees in pots during the winter months and they grew well. I transplanted them into the yard in the spring and they aren’t growing very much and look sickly. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 6, 2019

Your banana trees still may be suffering from transplant shock. It can take months for them to recover. Keep their water needs met and keep an eye out for pest or disease invasion. Weakened plants are more susceptible.

Also I see in the photo that grass and weeds are close to the banana trees. Remove that vegetation from around the trees as they are all competing for nutrients. Then mulch around the banana trees to conserve water and regulate the soil temperature.

Here are two articles that should help.



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