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Bird Of Paradise Plants

Q.After the birds of paradise bloom…

Zone Kissimmee, FL - outdoors with not much sun. The front of the house is in shade most of the time. | Nancy Boss added on April 16, 2016 | Answered

Should we cut the stalk on which the bird of paradise blooms? How far down do we cut if we should cut it? Mine had three stalks and they all bloomed with 3 flowers on each stalk. I don’t want to hurt them but do the stalks need to be cut? My plant is in a large pot outside. We live in Florida and though we had a few cold nights (for us), the plant did not seem to suffer at all. I need help in its care. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 18, 2016

Yes, you can prune or trim the spent flower stalks on your plant.
With a clean sharp knife cut the stem from the plant at the base or crown.


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