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Peach Trees

Q.After Grasshoppers & Others Eat Peach Tree Will Come Back Next Spring

Zone Lake of the Ozark, Missouri | Anonymous added on September 22, 2022 | Answered

I have a porch peach tree that now looks very sad. One day went out on porch to look at the peaches. GONE and not on ground. It couldn’t of been deer since porch upper level. Now day after day less leaves and the leaves still present are full of eaten holes. The tree is still getting new purple color leaves. I moved the porch peach tree to the front porch but problem still happening. I have found grasshoppers and another bug that I can not ID. I put Sevin Dust, diatomaceous earth, coffee grinds, garlic and red pepper, neem oil, nothing has stopped the eating. Only about 5 leaves on end of each branch. My question is: will my poor little porch peach tree next spring have leaves on the entire branches? Is there anything I can do over the winter to give it a healthy new start. I live at the Lake of the Ozark in Missouri. The past winter years I left on porch just covering when frost was forecasted. Thank you

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 1, 2022

If it is insects and not disease responsible, it should leaf out again in spring. Be sure to prune it. Here are some growing tips that may help:



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