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Q.African Marigold saplings issue

Zone 56008 | slal added on January 6, 2019 | Answered

I have African Marigold saplings which are going on drying up after having attained a good height. 2-4 saplings keep turning brown and crumbling up.. please help

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 7, 2019

I suspect a water issue, too much or too little.

Does the planter have drainage holes or are the plants sitting in muddy wet soil and getting root rot?

If there is good drainage, then are you watering enough or are the plants suffering from water deficit/drought stress as a cause for the drying up of the foliage?

If the watering is as good as can be, what is the condition of the soil? Is it a fertile potting soil with good organic matter content that retains soil moisture, or sandy or course and porous.

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