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Sycamore Trees

Q.Advice on Sycamore tree

Zone Mooresville, Indiana Zone 5 | donna.hill added on May 27, 2016 | Answered

The sycamore tree in my yard is on the banks of a small lake. The lake was drained about a year ago, so work could be done on the dam. The water level will be brought back up to normal. But in the meantime, we’ve noticed our large sycamore’s leaves are very pale and some are dropping off. Is our tree dying? Or can it come back? It is about 17 years old and very tall. Thank-you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 29, 2016

Sycamores are not drought tolerant and it sounds like yours is being denied its typical water supply. It is possible for it to come back as long as the lake is refilled soon. Supplemental watering your sycamore until proper water level is restored is your best bet.

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