Q.Advice on pruning my jade plant
Suggestions on where and how much to prune. I relocated my plant after two years in my bedroom window because it got too big. It seemed to be doing well and then a few days ago this happened. How much do I prune? And where? I’m thinking the big bottom branch on the left about 5 rings up from the stalk. Many thanks, Anyta
Yes, I think you should prune the large branch on the bottom left that seems to be a big part of the leaning problem. You can cut that one all the way back to the "trunk". The other branch on the left (just above that one) should also be shortened, and some of the other overgrown branches should be shortened or removed.
It is best to remove only 1/3 of the jade plant at any one pruning session, and then wait a few months until the plant recovers before pruning more. So some of the additional pruning to improve the appearance of the plant will need to be saved for the future. If you remove a branch completely it will not grow back. If you shorten it, the branch will likely produce more side branches from just below where it was cut. So keep in mind the future appearance of the plant as you prune.