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Q.Abutilon Tree Sky Blue

Zone Bletchingley Surrey UK | pattieuk added on June 10, 2023 | Answered

After hundreds of flowers and staying evergreen all winter why is it suddenly starting to get yellow leaves. i have been feeding Miracle Grow and regular watering. i couldnt bear to loose it. thank you pattie

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 12, 2023

Absolutely! Yes, be sure to allow the soil to dry, just a bit, between waterings. They will not tolerate soils that remain saturated. You are, very welcome!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 12, 2023

They are very sensitive to overwatering, and any change. During winter, it will prefer to feed less, as well. I would be sure to test the soil before feeding, and make sure that it does not need it, beforehand. Be sure, as well, to allow the soil to dry out down to 1/3 of the way down into the container between waterings.

Here are some articles that will help:






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Answered on June 12, 2023

thank you so much
it is not in a pot but in the ground
its the most amazing plant
i just had a small cutting and planted at 1 foot high
3 years ago
it is now a 7-8ft tree and spent this winter evergreen.
it produced hundreds of beautiful flowers its called china blue i think but the
flowers were lilac coloured and were about the 7cm in diameter very impressive
i think as its so hot i maybe over watering will let it get a bit dry
thank you for that advice kind regards pattie

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