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Q.where to trim a rose

Zone I live in Sun City West, Arizona | Anonymous added on April 24, 2016 | Answered

About where to trim a rose? My mom has passed and she always cut above or below the 3rd or 5th leaf by the flower after it bloomed to prevent it from going “wild.” I live in AZ now and I have One lovely yellow rose. I don’t want it to go wild, as it has not not been maintained in a couple years from previous owner, a man with M.S.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2016

After the rosebush roses have bloomed, I deadhead them by pruning off the old blooms down to the first 5 leaf junction with the cane. This is not really done to keep the rose from going wild but rather to encourage more blooms. Usually by pruning back to the first 5 leaf junction, the cane that is left is larger in diameter and better able to support the new growth and new bloom or blooms. Here is a link to an article I wrote on this subject for you too: > https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/rose-deadheading.htm

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