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Avocado Trees

Q.About my Avocado tree

Zone East Anglia England | PEACH added on February 7, 2014 | Answered

Last October I moved my avocado tree from my landing into my garden room. It seems to like being there; however, my garden room isn’t heated. The problem is that the tips of the leaves are beginning to turn brown. I think if I brought it back indoors it will be too hot for it. I have grown my little avocado tree from a cob, and I love it. What can I do? Do I feed her this time of year? Do I give her enough water, once every three weeks (it feels damp enough)? What am I doing wrong? My little tree is 3 feet tall, and I named her Ava.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 11, 2014

It actually might be a case of too much water. In a cool location, in the winter; the water needs of your avocado tree drop dramatically. I would recommend that you only water when the very top of the soil feel dry to the touch. If it is in a rather large container, you may find that it only needs to be watered every other month.

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