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Q.About How Much Fertilizer Do You Guys Add To Plants?

Zone V6P3H1 | Anonymous added on November 3, 2021 | Answered

Hello, Hope you are doing well! I am contacting you on behalf of my school Magee Secondary School Ennovate Club. This year we decided to bring organic liquid fertilizer to our school and community gardens. We had a few questions and it would be amazing if you could provide us with some answers. – About how much fertilizer do you guys add to pot plants? – Do essential oils diluted into fertilizer harm plants? – How do you guys contribute to the prevention and mitigation of climate change? We really appreciate your help, thank you for your time! We hope to hear back soon.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 5, 2021

Follow the directions on the package of organic fertilizer you purchase for the correct amount to add to your pots. Essential oils are derived from many plants. There is no need to add essential oils to the plants.
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