Q.About 600sqft of my 900 sqft tall fescue lawn area was chowed down/destroyed by sod web worms. I treated with insecticide as they
were voracious in number and damage. What types of things can I do to reinvigorate the damaged areas since I’ve been reading th at talll fescue does not regenerate on its own. Please any advice is welcome. Spent a lot of money and labor putting in this new lawn and its mostly destroyed by the infestation. Thank you About 600sqft of my 900 sqft tall fescue lawn area was chowed down/destroyed by sod web worms. I treated with insecticide as they were voracious in number and damage. What types of things can I do to reinvigorate the damaged areas since I’ve been reading that tall fescue does not regenerate on its own. Please any advice is welcome. Spent a lot of money and labor putting in this new lawn and its mostly destroyed by the infestation. Thank you

Core-aerate, de-thatch and over-seed.
Mow high (3").
Adopt a preventive program with organic lawn care
and preventive botanical pesticide treatments.