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Damson Plum Trees

Q.A White Fungus Has Appeared On The Trunk And Branches Of My Plum / Damson Tree. What Is It And What Should I Do?

Zone N112LA | Anonymous added on December 31, 2020 | Answered

Only come on in the last month or so.
The tree usually delivers a good harvest of plums.
Location is north London.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 1, 2021

This appears to be a serious problem, since these mushroom-like formations represent the outgrowth of a disease that already exists within the tree. It's called "fungal fruiting," and I'm not sure if the tree can be saved once this has started. However, I strongly recommend that you contact a certified arborist in your area who can help you determine whether the fungus can be controlled or eradicated, or if it's going to be fatal to the tree. We wish you the best of luck with this. Here's some reading material:


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