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Umbrella Plants

Q.A Praying Mantis Laid Her Eggs Inside My Patio Umbrella Which Will Be Taken Down For Winter & Stored In Garage. Should I Leave? Mo

Zone 06468 | Anonymous added on October 16, 2022 | Answered

ve? we are in CT A Praying mantis was hanging out on our sunny deck this week & was last seen inside our patio umbrella. Now I see an egg sac but no momma. We will be taking the umbrellas down for the season very soon (we live in southern CT). Is it safe to keep in garage? Should the egg sac be removed & put somewhere else? If so where? In our garden? Does it need to be shielded somehow? And how do we do this if we need to? Thanks for your help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 21, 2022
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