Q.A Potted Bay Tree
I have been given a lovely 3ft tall standard Bay Tree as an anniversary present. Sadly, when it was delivered the 8in plastic plant pot was split – which exposed the fact that the plant was really root-bound. The question is, I am going to carefully re-pot the tree into a larger pot – but what compost/soil/ compound will be the best one to use?
Thank you in anticipation
Mike Fox
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
A standard potting soil mix amended with 2 inches or so of compost on top or mixed in will be perfect. I would use a 5 gallon container or larger if you would like to keep this in a container. These will really not be picky with their soil so I wouldn't put too much worry into it as long as you are putting it in a decent potting mix with good compost, and even worm casting if you would like would be perfect.