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Euphorbia Plants

Q.A plant keeps growing through my deck

vinnersk added on July 24, 2019 | Answered

Hi There, I am a new garden enthusiast but a novice. In my garden I keep seeing this (attached a photo) plant keeps growing from under the deck. I did look at the membrane under the deck seems to be pretty good standard, but yet this plant seems strong enough to pierce through. No other weeds grow other than just this one. I have tried few weed killers, but need to first identify which plant is this looks like a conifer? Please suggest. Regards, V

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 24, 2019

It appears to be a Euphorbia of some type. There are many varieties, from plant to cactus forms, to trees with deadly sap, making this one of the most broad genus on the planet.

You can cut it down, and pour boiling water on it once or twice per day for a few days. This will completely kill it off without making the ground toxic.

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