Q.A monstera obliqua (houseplant)
My small Monstera obliqua (or adansonii) has one very yellow leaf and another that is about to turn. I have had the plant about 6 weeks and without realising its light requirements, I did leave the plant in direct sun on the windowsill for a few days which burnt a couple of the leaves and they lost some colour straight afterward. Since then I have tried to keep it in shade, the yellow leaf wasn’t one of the sun damaged ones.
I repotted it about 5 days ago after I noticed the roots coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the original pot. I didn’t water it after repotting and haven’t done so yet (because of the yellow leaf).
I started out watering with rainwater, but changed to tap water about two weeks ago. The plant had two waterings with tap water and then started to go yellow. I don’t want the plant to die – if it’s root rot will it spread to the other roots? The other side of the plant looks reasonably healthy. Should I cut off the yellow leaf or let it die until it falls off?
Thank you. I am in southern England and the weather has been sunny and warm for the last month or so.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I don't know how much chlorine is in your tap water, but in our country there is quite a bit. This plant will not tolerate tap water here. This resembles chlorine toxicity. You can cut it off after it has completely dried.
This article will help you in the care of these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/swiss-cheese-plant/repotting-cheese-plants.htm