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Q.a knot rose bush

Zone florence sc 29505 | Anonymous added on July 26, 2018 | Answered

I have this knot out rosebush,about 2yrs,and it never bloom,it seams to just be getting tall,and when I brought it say knot out rose bush.what does it need?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 26, 2018

Knock Out roses are less prone to disease and flower all summer if given adequate care. Normally the soil is amended with peat and/or compost to have soil that retains moisture. Roses like lots of bright sunshine, water and long-acting fertilizer. For best bloom, it needs at least 6 hours each day of direct sunlight and 1-2 inches of water weekly. Don't just water the base of the shrub; many of the tiny feeder/water roots are on the edge of the bush and past that. Put down 3 inches of mulch to keep roots cool and moist. Do not let the mulch touch the plant base. If you are growing in containers, here is a helpful article: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/roses-planted-containers.htm

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