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Lawn Problems

Q.Fungus in grass

Jack@Jbridwell added on December 21, 2010 | Answered

Can a fungus be brought into a property by a mowing service that mows other lawn where the fungus resides?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 22, 2010

Yes! It's possible to transfer the fungus from one lawn to another with mowing equipment, as well as one's shoes, from infected lawns that have recently been cut. For instance, Pythium is a fungus that can literally wipe out a lawn over night and is transferred by mowers. If you hire an outside maintenance service, you may want discuss with them the precautions they take to avoid the spreading of disease.

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Answered on July 5, 2017

I agree that Fungus can spread from one to another lawn and even it is hard to remove if you have no information regarding it.

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Answered on December 29, 2010

Yes, but your lawn must have the right conditions inorder for it to grow.

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