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Clivia Plants

Q.No Clivia Flowers

Anonymous added on March 9, 2014 | Answered

Despite “experts”‘ theories in academia, Clivia Miniata var Citrina has not flowered in 9 years. It has been planted in Clivia Mix (trademark from ZA Lowveld as ideal) watered, rested, fertilized, fed, watered as per directions in said academia. Still it does not flower. Lighting requirements: ideal; no direct full sun or the leaves will burn. I grow all my Clivia Miniata from seed, but this particular var Citrina was purchased from Keith Kirsten. How can I “make it” flower?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 9, 2014

It may be that there is uneven nutrients in the soil. Too much nitrogen or too little phosphorous can cause a plant to bloom poorly or not at all. Since phosphorus is important for blooming in plants, I would try adding phosphorus rich fertilizer or bone meal to the soil.

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