Q.No Clivia Flowers
Despite “experts”‘ theories in academia, Clivia Miniata var Citrina has not flowered in 9 years. It has been planted in Clivia Mix (trademark from ZA Lowveld as ideal) watered, rested, fertilized, fed, watered as per directions in said academia. Still it does not flower. Lighting requirements: ideal; no direct full sun or the leaves will burn. I grow all my Clivia Miniata from seed, but this particular var Citrina was purchased from Keith Kirsten. How can I “make it” flower?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It may be that there is uneven nutrients in the soil. Too much nitrogen or too little phosphorous can cause a plant to bloom poorly or not at all. Since phosphorus is important for blooming in plants, I would try adding phosphorus rich fertilizer or bone meal to the soil.