Q.Gardenia turning yellow
I have a gardenia plant I bought from Publix. It started out to be a good plant but now the leaves are turning yellow and there are still no flowers on it. What do I do? I live in Florida, so how do I care for this indoor plant? I don’t have a green thumb, but I love this plant. I love the smell of the flower. . . IF IT EVER BLOOMS. HELP!!!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yellow leaves normally signal that the plant is under some type of stress. In order to remedy the problem, you must first try to pinpoint the issue. This article should help you with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/gardenia/helping-a-gardenia-bush-with-yellow-leaves.htm
The lack of blooming is likely related to the plant being stressed but a lack of phosphorus can also be to blame. Adding bone meal to the soil once the yellowing issue is fixed will help.

First of all, gardenias are not indoor plants, especially for plant newbies. To grow and flower one indoors would be considered high-expert. While all the advice in the above article is good, the first problem you need to address is light; not enough light is probably what is stressing your gardenia the most. Now, you live in Florida - why don't you put your plant outdoors. Gardenias grow as landscape plants in Florida. Of course to be successful, they have to be rooted on the correct stock, and its highly probable that a plant purchased at Publix is not, but you can try. At least, put the pot on a patio, terrace, or porch. If you want to try a much easier indoor plant with flowers, try a peace lily, or orchids Do a little research, try some different plants, talk to people about plants, but don't give up! One of the secrets to having a green thumb is a great big garbage can.